Competitor analysis.womanfearful

We’re all told to do it – it’s Market Research 101, right?

After all, how can we distinguish ourselves from everyone else if we don’t know what they are doing!

But what happens when a harmless ‘search and analysis’ exercise turns into an unhealthy ‘comparison, stalking and spying’ frenzy?

There you are unable to stop yourself from revisiting a competitor’s website (and social media platforms), and then wishing you didn’t because it leaves you feeling inadequate, incompetent and disheartened because no matter what you do – you just can’t keep up with what they’re doing?

Can you relate? Be honest.

I believe there’s a competitive streak inside each of us.

However, whether it’s a healthy level of competition or not, is an entirely different matter.

Christine Lahti believes that: “Competition is very good… as long as it’s healthy. It’s what makes one strive to be better.”

So, are you using competition as a way to drive your business forward? To better yourself? To achieve more?

Or, is the way you’re comparing yourself to your competitors unhealthy, so-much-so that it’s crippling your business’s growth?

Here are three warning signs that you’re falling victim to the crippling competitor comparison syndrome, each time you see (or hear) what your competitors are doing;

1. You feel inferior

2. You feel envious

3. You feel frustrated

Recognise any?

Unhealthy competition and constant comparison will not only have you feeling inferior, envious and frustrated, it will also rob you of being able to recognise your Inner Brilliance so you can live your full potential and become the awesome, incredible business owner that you were meant to be!

So what can you do to break free from this unhealthy competition so you can stop feeling inferior, envious and frustrated?

Here are some action steps to get you moving in the right direction:

  1. Read my article : Fallen Victim to the Competitors Comparison Trap: 5 key Components to Boost Your Personal Best  and start measuring yourself against these things instead
  2. As you are reviewing competitors’ sites/social media platforms, etc, ask yourself:
    1. “What’s one thing I can learn that I can leverage in my business to drive me forward?”
    2. “Where’s an area in my business I’d like to stretch myself?”
  3. Get yourself a coach/accountability partner who will help you stay on track and focus on what YOU need to do to continue growing your business.
  4. Read the following inspirational quotes:

    Do your work with your whole heart, and you will succeed – there’s so little competition.Elbert Hubbard

    Never let the competition define you. Instead define yourself based on a point of view you care deeply about.Tom Chappel

    Constant comparison to competitors will cripple you. Know what makes YOU unique & memorable.Annemarie Cross

    Be yourself – everyone else is taken!Anon

  5. Still struggling to carve out your niche in the market and confused about discover what your Inner Brilliance is? Go ahead and apply for one of my Business Breakthrough Strategy Sessions. This is one of MY specialities and I’d be more than happy to help you identify the gaps and how best you can drive your business forward.

Remember, it’s vital you know what YOUR Inner Brilliance is and what makes YOU unique and memorable so you can continue to put YOUR best foot forward in everything you do.

No-one can copy that.

You’ll be uniquely distinguishable from your competitors AND will never have to feel inferior, envious or frustrated again.

Remember, just be YOU – everyone else is taken!


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