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Books | Podcasting, Personal Brand and Communications Strategy for Coaches and Consultants

Podcast & Influence-building


How to go from Invisible to Influential 

(and Profitable) with a Podcast

Attention: Change Makers & aspiring Industry Thought Leaders

Want to build your reputation as an authority in your field, so you can begin to generate leads, enquiries, and paying clients from your very first podcast episode.

And, you’re willing to focus on what’s important when it comes to the content you produce by following a reputable step-by-step guide to show you how.

If this sounds like you – let’s get started!

[Note: Click on the ‘Learn more’ button below and you’ll be taken to our Industry Thought Leader Book website].

10 Key Steps to  Ace That Interview!

Attention: graduate, professional, return-to-work, mature age, migrant and senior level job seekers.

Do you ever “trip over your own tongue”, become “tongue-tied”, or feel you’re just not delivering your best performance during a job interview?

The great news is: you can easily turn all of that around with the specialised knowledge and and strategies exposed in 10 Key Steps to Ace That Interview!

[Note: Click on the ‘Learn more’ button below and you’ll be taken to our Career Training website].


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4953 Vine Street
San Diego, CA 92465

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(815) 555-5555

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