On today’s show, Annemarie Cross interviews Jo Harris from Make More Sales.
Jo started selling Avon door-to-door when she was just 13 years old. By the time she was 25 she was a State Sales Manager for a Fortune 500 multinational company with a team of 12 experienced and sales professionals reporting to her. She was responsible for hiring, coaching, training and managing the state as her own business. Her sales budget was over $1Million. She was also the youngest person in her team.
Then came motherhood. Jo is a wife to Mick (her man) and mother to 3 of the greatest kids on the planet. Jo is passionate about being a life-long learner and about sharing and teaching ‘communication that SELLS.’
Jo will:
– Redefine the word (that some of us love-to-hate) ‘selling’
– Show us how people like to buy
– Share some tips from the ‘7 ways to stop selling and start your customers buying’ principles.
To learn more about Jo, go to: www.makemoresales.com.au
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Till next time – stay inspired!
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