
Annemarie Cross

About  Annemarie

If you’re looking for a more formal About Me – here you go:

Annemarie Cross is a Personal Branding & Podcast Strategist and Business Coach. She is also the CEO and Founder of Ambitious Entrepreneur Podcast Network and Industry Thought Leader Academy, and author of Industry Thought Leader: From Invisible to Influential (and Profitable) with a Podcast. 

Dubbed ‘The Podcasting Queen,’ Annemarie Cross is an award-winning podcast host and is recognized as a pioneer in the podcasting space having started her first co-hosted podcast in 2008. Her podcasts have been syndicated on both National and International Radio and listed among the top podcasts for Entrepreneurs and small business worldwide. 

Recognised as one of the Top 20 Business Coaches in Melbourne – Australia, Annemarie works with consultants and coaches around the world helping them create distinguishable, uncopyable and irresistible brands so they’re seen as not just A choice – but THE choice with their ideal clients. 

Annemarie also helps her client’s setup a robust podcast strategy and client relationship nurturing funnel so they can build their reach, their reputation (as an influential trusted authority) as well as build their revenue as they continue to nurture listeners into leads, enquiries and ultimately paying customers from their very first episode. 

And, here’s a more personalised version of me…

Hi, I’m so glad you stopped by!

I’m Annemarie Cross – also dubbed: “The Podcasting Queen” by my clients, colleagues, and podcast guests.

Over the last two decades, I’ve gained extensive experience across different arenas. In fact you’d probably be right in calling me a multi-passionate entrepreneur.

I LOVE learning, starting and launching new creative projects, and being involved in multiple things at a time. It’s been both a blessing and a curse. [If you’re a multi-passionate entrepreneur, you know EXACTLY what I mean!]

Thankfully, I now combine my experience and knowledge when helping clients become an influential voice in their Industry. [I’ve FINALLY been able to combine my diverse experience into one succinct message and offering, which I now help other multi-passionate entrepreneurs do too!]

My passion and expertise is within the area of brand and communications – both strategy AND tactics. You can’t have one without the other. You can have the best strategy in the world, but without the right tactics can still struggle to get the desired results. And, all of the tactics in the world without the right strategy – well, have you heard of the ‘bright shiny object’ syndrome?

More recently, I’ve been leveraging my 15 years’ experience in podcasting – specialising in helping clients create and launch a robust podcast strategy so they can build their reach, their reputation (as a Trusted Authority in their field) and their revenue – from their very first episode. [You can find out more over on my podcasting website: www.PodcastingWithPurpose.com ]

My training company is Industry Thought Leader Academy and my Podcast Network is the Ambitious Entrepreneur Podcast Network).

In 2024, following a personal passion of mine, I established the brand – RESTORE Rophe – Restoring Your Health – Naturally, which is a range of herbal teas and other natural products which we’ll continue to add to the range.


The Podcasting Queen

(Award-Winning Host & Producer)

Note: It’s taken me years to finally embrace the term: The Podcasting Queen. It was many years ago that one of my guests (after learning about my experience and passion for podcasting) commented: “You’re the Podcasting Queen!” to which I laughed. Out loud!

I just love the technology and the opportunity to interview such incredibly talented people! So, long story short – many of my colleagues continued to introduce me that way so finally late 2016 – I’ve decided to embrace it.

For those people who know me well, I do enjoy a good laugh – even at myself. Hence why I got my team to create this caricature. At least I can chuckle (on the inside) when I hear (and say): The Podcasting Queen.

Over the years I’ve been listed among the Top 25 Podcasts for Entrepreneurs, Top 50 Podcast for Entrepreneurs, and Top 100 Small Business Podcasts worldwide by well-known and respected small business websites, including Entrepreneur.com, where I continue to share my Brand, Communication & Podcasting for Publicity and Profit strategies with entrepreneurs and small to medium-size businesses, and now corporations – globally.

In 2017, I submitted two of my podcasts – The Ambitious Entrepreneur Show and Women In Leadership Podcast to the inaugural CastAway Podcast Awards. Both podcasts were in the top three finalists, with The Ambitious Entrepreneur Show winning the BEST Business, Marketing and Entrepreneurial Category Podcast Award.

Combining my love of technology and social media, I’ve been able to build a business, client base and support team that is truly GLOBAL by harnessing the power of social media and cutting-edge online technologies – particularly podcasting, and now I love being able to empower other businesses to do the same.

A snapshot of Annemarie’s experience and accolades in podcasting


Has been podcasting since 2008 with podcasts featuring national/international guests.


Won BEST Podcast in the Business, Marketing and Entrepreneurial Category in the CastAway Podcast Awards.


Ambitious Entrepreneur Show was syndicated on Zimbabwe Local Radio.


Coaches Connection Podcast (one of my former show’s) was featured within the International Magazine – I Love Coaching for 12 months.


Business Success Podcast (now Ambitious Entrepreneur Show) won the World Media Award for the Best Business Podcast in 2012.


Has built a global business through use of online/podcasting technologies and now supports clients in creating their own global visibility and media platforms.


Currently Host of Women In Leadership Podcast, and The Ambitious Entrepreneur Show.


Amongst a handful of hand-picked entrepreneurs to become a Microsoft Surface Brand Ambassador (2016-2017)


Mentor, Producer & Promoter: Mentored and supported various podcast hosts and hosted/publicised their podcasts on the Ambitious Entrepreneur Podcast Network, including Global Success Podcast, Secrets to Success Podcast, The Simply Abundant Entrepreneur Show, Author Platform Success Podcast, Ask The Expert Podcast, SMART Connect Podcast, The Room Xchange Podcast, and others continuing to be added to the list.

Included in various Top Business & Entrepreneur Podcasts, including:


The Employment Journey – The Top 25 Podcasts for Entrepreneurs


Cleveland High School – Podcasts for High School Students [Listed as Number 1 in Entrepreneurship]


The Distinguished Veteran – Top 100 Podcasts That Will Make You Better, Smarter, Wiser


Entrepreneur.com – The Top 25 Podcasts for Entrepreneurs


Skillcrush – 25 Top Podcasts to Launch Your Freelance Career in 2016


Study Pug – The Top 50 Podcasts for High School Students [Listed as Number 1 in Entrepreneurship]


Teach Thought – The Top 50 Podcasts for High School Students [Listed as Number 1 in Entrepreneurship]


Marketing Solved – The Top 15 Podcasts for Entrepreneurs


Olton Marketing – The Top 25 Business Podcasts for Entrepreneurs


Monetize Pros – The Top 20 Best Business Podcasts to Grow Your Website


The EL Podcast – 10 Noteworthy Podcasts for Entrepreneurs from 2014


Host & Co-Host: Hosted and co-hosted several podcasts including: Career Success Radio, Business Success Podcast, Ambitious Entrepreneur Show, Coaches Connection Podcast, Ask The Expert Podcast, and Purposeful Leadership Podcast

Annemarie Cross

Personal Branding & Communications Strategist

If you have amazing products and services that can transform people’s lives, yet no-one knows about you; or you find it hard to find new clients; or if you’ve managed to develop a database of clients yet you’re definitely not getting paid what you’re worth – you’re in the right place.

I know where you’re at as I was there myself. However thankfully, I’ve been able to turn that around.

And, now I teach these exact same strategies to my clients, which has supported them in doubling (and even tripling) their income.

You can achieve this too through my signature branding, online/offline marketing and money mindset breakthrough programs – with the mindset component, being the most integral piece.

You see, I’ve realised over the years that you can have the best products and services; you can have all of the systems and processes in place; you can the most impressive business and marketing plan too. But, if you don’t have the right mindset – all of the best business tools in the world won’t matter. Mindset matters! That’s why I incorporate a lot of mindset and money mindset elements in my work with clients. It helps them get rid of all the clutter (and crap) that’s holding them back – that’s holding YOU back.

Not only will I help you with your mindset – I also love to share simple yet powerful ways to help you get more clients booked, while boost your income – even if you have been in business for a short time. I’ll help you define and build a unique and authentic Signature Brand; I’ll help you transform your one-to-one services into lucrative information products and programs (or if you are only just starting out, I’ll help you get your first clients through your door) by getting your message out into the hands of your ideal clients.

If you’re ready to take your business to the next level – let’s connect!

If you are a journalist or media representative, you can find out more about me and the best way to get in touch with me here.

My  Personal Branding & Self Discovery Process


When going through my own journey of self-discovery (yes, I’ve gone through everything I now take my clients through) to design my unique Signature Brand, many people commented that I was ” a personal change agent and success catalyst.”

They used words such as ‘people-focused, caring, inspirational and life-changing,’ which to me was extremely humbling.

It was humbling and empowering as these words resonate deeply with me AND my promise to you once we start working together.

A promise I make to all of my clients is: “I will inspire you to take courageous action steps towards achieving higher outcomes; as your accountability partner I will motivate and continue to drive you forward towards your goals; and as your cheer leader I will celebrate alongside you as you transform your dreams and visions into reality.”

Every success – no matter how small is worth celebrating and I will be there celebrating with you as you continue to achieve results that exceed what you ever thought would have been possible.

Success Stories

I have discovered my business ‘niche’ and have started taking responsibility for my financial life…

Through Annemarie’s coaching and ongoing support in her membership program, I have discovered my business “niche” and I have started taking responsibility for my financial life. I feel more focused and I can feel things really turning around in my business!

It is great to have her membership program as a source of keeping one accountable for their business shifts and transformations.

Annemarie Cross is a wonderful coach with a very clear communication style and a talent for quickly getting right to the core of an issue. Many coaches have similar messages but Annemarie’s straightforward way of illustrating her points brought me further in developing my business more quickly.

Annemarie is very professional, very friendly, very generous and truly has her clients’ best interest at heart! She is amazingly prolific with helpful business tips and information, whether it is within the realm of her newsletters, blogs and social media, or if you enroll in her paid services.

I look forward to enjoying more of her guidance, coaching and support! Thank you, Annemarie, for bringing such clarity!

Astra Spider, Abundant Heart: Breakthrough Transformation for Creative Professionals

Your evaluations were outstanding Annemarie…

You have made an enormous difference to many people in the Neighbourhood Houses and Learning Centres across Victoria.

Well done and thank you sincerely for your involvement as a Keynote Speaker in this year’s Brainfood Conference.

Your evaluations were outstanding and you have certainly converted a lot of people to have a go with technology and social media.

I have even been asked to bring you back to Brainfood next year!

Again – thank you.

Kay Vrieze, Brainfood Event Organiser
Neighbourhood Houses & Learning Centres – Victoria

Annemarie Cross

The Speaker

I love to speak and bring my message to the world and have shared the stage with other high-profile multi 6-figure and 7-figure speakers and experts.

Do you have an event coming up and would like me to participate?

I speak on a number of small business marketing and business success topics and will tailor my presentations to suit your audience.

In each speaking event I am involved, my ultimate goal is to inspire and engage the audience in a fun, interactive and energizing approach.

Annemarie Cross

The Eternal Student

I’m what you would call the eternal student always looking for new learning opportunities. [My multi-passionate and multi-talented tendencies shining through!]

I also have numerous certifications and awards for Resume Writing, Career Coaching and Human Resources – from when I was involved in the career industry as a Personal Branding Strategist.

I also have numerous certifications and awards for Resume Writing, Career Coaching and Human Resources – from when I was involved in the career industry as a Personal Branding Strategist.

Here are a few of my Business Mentoring and Marketing Certifications and Qualifications:


Money, Marketing & Soul Certified Coach


Money Breakthrough Method Certified Coach


Sacred Money Archetypes Certified Coach


NLP Master Practitioner


NLP Master Trainer


Certified Reach Online ID Strategist


Reach Certified Personal Branding Strategist


Certified 360 Reach Analyst


EQ (Emotional Intelligence) Career Strategist


MBTI® Practitioner [Step I & Step II]


Strong® Interest Inventory Practitioner


DISC Behavioral Consultant

Annemarie Cross

Mother & Daughter

Whether she realises it or not, my mother has been an amazing influence in my life. She exhibited unconditional love and support that has allowed me to become the woman I am today. She taught me the value of hard work, the art of forgiveness and sincerity, and the most important of life’s lessons – that I am a child of God.

I’m also the wife of a wonderfully supportive husband – Garry and mother to four amazing children – Danielle, Mathew, Nicole and Brendon – my little angel, who passed away just minutes after he was born.

So that’s a snapshot of me. What about you? What business are you in and what are you passionate about? Come on over and introduce yourself on my Podcasting With Purpose Facebook Group.

Annemarie Cross

Awards & Accolades

I like to walk-the-talk (as they say, confirming the branding and visibility strategies I teach – WORK!) and have been recognized with the following awards and accolades:


  • Best Podcast in the Business, Marketing and Entrepreneurial Category in the CastAway Podcast Awards.
  • Multiple Professional Resume Development TORI (Toast of the Resume Industry) Nominations & Awards
  • Included among the ‘Top 100 Small Business Podcasts for 2013 List” by Small Business Trends
  • Listed in the Top 50 Podcasts for Entrepreneurs – 2012 Report
  • Best Podcast for 2011 from World Media Awards
  • Listed in the Top 50 Podcasts for Entrepreneurs [among high profile names including Seth Godin and Ted Talks Radio]
  • #8 in the Top Business Coaches to Follow on Twitter (and the first woman!) – Even Carmichael
  • Top 1% Most Viewed Linkedin Profiles out of 200 million other people/profiles
  • Top 1% in the world on Twitter with connections topping 32,000
  • Ranked at #16 in Money Power Web on their “200 Fearless Women Online and on Social Media” Lineup
  • Offered 1 of only 12 guest expert spots, speaking on the topic of personal branding and social media for Traffic Explosion Telesummit
  • Sought after by one of Australia’s leading educational institutions – Chisholm Institute and asked to develop their Introduction to Digital Marketing Certificate – Social Media and the content for their Vocational Graduate Certificate in Digital Marketing – Australia’s first-ever Industry-endorsed course
  • Invited to become a Microsoft Surface Brand Ambassador | Key Influencer (2016-2017)


Get in touch with us

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4953 Vine Street
San Diego, CA 92465

Office hours

Workdays at
9:00am – 6:00pm

Call us

(815) 555-5555

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