You’ve been called to make a difference in the lives of others.

The message you want to share was placed on your heart, since birth.

Being nurtured, being stirred, deep inside your soul.

Till now.

It’s time to share it. In a BIG way.

I have a message for you.

My friend, STOP letting those lies prevent you from sharing your message.

There will be challenges. There will be naysayers. There will be times where you feel you want to curl up and hide.

Remember, the forces trying to stop you from sharing your message – means you are on the right track.

AND, you’ve been given everything you need to keep pushing forward.

Remember, where you get your strength from and lean in. Every.Single.Day!

Get up, take a step forward. Then another. Then another.

Because that’s what champions do, even in the face of adversity. Even when they feel they can’t.

YOU can!

You have a message to champion. And, that message will champion change in the lives of others.

But, only if you have the courage to get back up and continue your calling.

It’s time…

#PodcastingWithPurpose #DisruptorsUnite #InnovatorsUnite #GameChangersUnite


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San Diego, CA 92465

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