[Ep#13] Why You Need to Keep Asking For What You Would Like [podcast]

[Ep#13] Why You Need to Keep Asking For What You Would Like [podcast]

Welcome to Episode 13 of Women In Leadership Podcast. In this episode Natalie Goldman and I discuss why you need to keep asking for what you would like if you want to grow as a leader. Natalie will share: Why you need to keep asking for what you would like Stay human...
[Ep#11] Be Intentional About Being Curious to Grow as a Leader [podcast]

[Ep#11] Be Intentional About Being Curious to Grow as a Leader [podcast]

Welcome to Episode 11 of Women In Leadership Podcast. In this episode Kendra Kinnison and I discuss the importance of being Intentional about being curious so you can continue to grow as a leader. Kendra will share: Why it’s important to be intentional about remaining...
[Ep#10] Great leaders are NOT born; they are made [podcast]

[Ep#10] Great leaders are NOT born; they are made [podcast]

Welcome to Episode 10 of Women In Leadership Podcast. In this episode Alison Vidotto and I discuss why great leaders are NOT born, but made and how you can develop your leadership strengths to become an effective leader. Alison will share: It doesn’t matter where you...
[Ep#9] Self-Leadership is THE key component of being an effective leader [podcast]

[Ep#9] Self-Leadership is THE key component of being an effective leader [podcast]

Welcome to Episode 9 of Women In Leadership Podcast. In this episode Irene Scott and I discuss why Self-Leadership is THE key component of being an effective leader. Irene will share: How self-leadership is the key component of being an effective leader. Why you need...
[Ep#8] MUST-Do Steps to Successfully Balance Your Career & Personal Life [podcast]

[Ep#8] MUST-Do Steps to Successfully Balance Your Career & Personal Life [podcast]

Welcome to Episode 8 of Women In Leadership Podcast. In this episode Lisa Askwith and I discuss how to successfully balance your balance your career and personal life. Lisa will share: The importance of ‘people first’, no matter what. Be a leader, and only...


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