Welcome to Episode 31 of Women In Leadership Podcast. In this episode Lisa Sweeney and I speak about the why it’s important to turn you dream into a reality by being the next one to give it a red hot go!
Lisa will share:
- Take charge of your life, and get out of that rut!
- Why it’s important to take calculated risks;
- Networking is your key tool for success with 80% of jobs and 65% of new business coming from referrals.
[powerpress url=”http://media.blubrry.com/ambitiousentrepreneurnetwork/p/content.blubrry.com/ambitiousentrepreneurnetwork/WIL_031.mp3”]
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Show Transcript:
- CLICK HERE to access a transcript of the show
Quotes from our Special Guest:
[Tweet “If you’re not failing, you’re not learning @sweeney.lisa @MSAU #WomenInLeadership #podcast”]
Resources & Links Shared:
This week’s Tech Tip:
CLICK HERE to download the step-by-step ‘HOW-TO’ Instructions for Microsoft Office Lens
Call Out: Are you a Microsoft Surface user? What is your favorite app/tool? Let me know: podcast@annemariecross.com
[Tweet “#TechTip: Use Office Lens for a paperless office @Leanne_Berry #MicrosoftSMB @MSAU #podcast”]
Additional Resources to Help You Grow Your Business:
Are you struggling to define your Signature Program? Register your interest for one of my upcoming Breakthrough Round Tables where I will show you the exact steps you need to define and create your very own Signature Program.
Connect With Us:
- Connect with us to find out how we can continue the conversation

Question: What’s ONE aha you had? Go ahead and share it below. Also, what’s ONE thing you’re going to do within the next 24 hours? Share your comment by clicking here.