Welcome to Episode 42 of Women In Leadership Podcast. In this episode Melanie Benson Strick and I speak about How to Scale Your Influence & Income.
Melanie will share:
- How to hire a virtual team that actually makes the business money – profitably
- What to do if you hit massive burn out, get stuck, or experience a huge business failure so you can come out on top
- The secret to accelerating accomplishment and multiplying revenues – even if you are a team of one
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Show Transcript:
- CLICK HERE to access a transcript of the show
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Quotes from our Special Guest:
Resources & Links Shared:
Additional Resources to Help You Grow Your Business:
Are you attending numerous networking events yet still struggling to attract clients who pay you what you’re worth because you find it hard to define a compelling message and introduction that gets you noticed? Come to our Virtual Breakthrough Round Table and we’ll show you how to create a compelling message:
Connect With Us:
- Connect with us to find out how we can continue the conversation

Question: What’s ONE aha you had? Go ahead and share it below. Also, what’s ONE thing you’re going to do within the next 24 hours? Share your comment by clicking here.