After travelling to Outback Australia last year – my passion for photography was rekindled. Learning this new skill/art was something I’d put off for years – because I didn’t think I had the time to take on another hobby; I didn’t think I had the creative ability; you fill in the gap – I made that excuse. Until now…

I realised during my trip, just how amazing my photographs could have been, had they been taken on a DSLR camera. My iPhone took some great images, don’t get me wrong. However, the landscapes and sunsets I saw, could have made some spectacular shots had they been taken on a professional camera.

So I made a decision…and took action.

In today’s audio biz tip I share what that decision and action was.

If you’ve been putting something off because of (you fill in the gap/excuse) – you need to listen to today’s tip:

Listen now: [powerpress url=””]

Click here to download transcript

Question: Have you been putting something off? What’s ONE thing you’re going to do within the next 24 hours to get you moving? 
Share your comment by clicking here.


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