

Annemarie’s commitment to her clients is  second to none

The main reason we decided to launch our Succeed with Money Podcast was because we were very aware that a vast majority of people in this country struggle with overwhelming debt and an inability to gain control of their money. We believe that our podcast addresses this issue and gives people the information they need to go from money stress to money success., and with over 25 years of experience David and I believe we can be the catalyst for change in people’s lives.

Annemarie is so knowledgeable and giving in what she shares and I found our time together was so valuable in understanding firstly, the reasoning behind why we should start a podcast, what steps we had to take to start and how we could make it a profitable venture, rather than ‘just a podcast for the sake of having a podcast’.

My main ‘aha’ moments in working with Annemarie were understanding the necessity of putting a strategy in place and why this makes a world of difference to the success of a podcast, being intentional about our message and having a clear call to action in every podcast, without it sounding like a commercial, and having a Podcast Series separate to our podcast episodes that showcases our expertise in our field and compels people to want to listen and learn from what we have to share.

We’re so excited to be able to share over 25 years of experience in taking families from money stress to money success. We are passionate about what we do and believe that what we will be presenting through our podcasts will be absolutely life-changing for our listeners.

Having worked with business coaches and marketing experts in the past, I would highly recommend working with Annemarie Cross. This last 12 months has been a pivotal turning point in putting strategy behind my business, understanding and working with my own strengths and weaknesses and understanding the importance of having a vision and both short and long term goals. Annemarie’s commitment to her clients is second to none, providing informational webinars and regular Q & A sessions. She goes above and beyond and has a wealth of information from many years of experience, which she is more than willing to share.

Carolyn Moes, Spending Planner, Co-Host: Succeed with Money Podcast

I am  beyond rapt!

In 30 years of business I have had the privilege of meeting many extraordinary subject matter experts/consultants in various fields. In my vocation I contribute EVERYDAY to others fulfilling their dreams. Well today was about investing in my dreams and next level of trajectory. I wanted to find a specialist in up-levelling my brand positing and profile and knew it would take something to find the right practitioner for I wanted a world class positioning.

Enter Annemarie Cross – The Podcasting Queen. Of her extraordinary skill base – one is brand excellence and positioning. I just finished a 2-hour session and landed it in one hit. Within 48-hours will nail the new positioning / profile and announce it to the world.

I am beyond rapt! Her process was extraordinary, her facilitation world class and I know it will change the trajectory of my life and those of my future clientele to new dimensions coming into 2021.

Annemarie you are a bloody magician. Could not be happier.

If you are ready and interested to up level to your next level of trajectory – book in with her – your life will never be the same again.  Her gifts are God given.

Sally Anderson

I doubled my income in 3 months

I was struggling to focus on where I wanted to be in my business and to understand why I did things the way I did and was not being successful. I knew I had a lot to offer people but was floundering.

After working with Annemarie, I doubled my income in 3 months, have increased my confidence considerably, and now know (and believe) I can create the financial future I want!”

I know understand my relationship with money and am able to stand with confidence when talking about my pricing. It helped me give up the apologetic tone and justification and simply stand in my power and state my price. This resulted, immediately, in a different type of client – one who was happy to pay my fee, no questions asked. It enabled me to negotiate better terms at the clinic where I was working at the time and to not be swayed by the pressure to undervalue my work so that I fitted in with other practitioners. I also became very clear on my personal brand, how to look and speak like ‘The Happiness Coach’ at all times, to be ‘on brand’ whenever I am in public, even if I’m at the supermarket.

An added bonus from this was that I also came to understand my husband’s relationship with money better and this has led to us being more in accord about various financial decisions.”

Ingrid Perri – The Happiness Coach

I tripled my income

I owned two businesses but was struggling to make an income and was feeling unappreciated and undervalued for the expertise I was offering.

Annemarie’s program transformed my business. In fact, because of her program I ended up creating a whole new business. I am working with clients I love and am loving every minute.

The big “aha” moment for me was realising that I had expertise worth sharing and to give myself permission to step into my own brilliance. Too many women undervalue themselves. Never again for me.

My business is booming – I have tripled my income, have attracted paid speaking opportunities across the country, and have been nominated and shortlisted for 4 major awards. I WILL NEVER undervalue myself again.”

Cas McCullough – Cas

I am much more grounded with money and less addicted to it

“I was aware that my relationship with money needed some work! I had previously been in well paid employment and was used to having plenty of money coming in. Trouble was it was also going out just as quickly. Once I left employment and started my business I needed to pay greater attention to the flow of money and get my head around what was happening….and my relationship with money.

I had previously done some work with Annemarie and found her to be insightful, and in a “gentle” way she has knack of creating insights and “aha” moments for me as well as being able to guide me towards or suggest practical and simple actions I can take to move forward. When Annemarie offered me the opportunity to participate in this program, I jumped at it! Once again I found this program to be gentle, but with an ability through both the content and Annemarie’s style to gain some valuable insights into my relationship with money.

Going through the Money Breakthroughs Method Program has enabled me to gain an understanding about some attitudes and behaviours I was holding on to without even being aware of them…despite doing a significant amount of personal development work over the years. I have since been able to change my behaviours and develop a new (and evolving) relationship with money.

I have been redefining my relationship with money. I have cut my personal expenditure significantly, realized that I don’t need all the “bells and whistles” to be happy and through this have been able to simplify my life significantly. I am still working through my new relationship and approach to money, but now have a solid foundation to build on. I am much more grounded with money and much less addicted to it….and spending it!

I would strongly recommend this program for others. I have found it to provide me with insights and understandings I didn’t have before and to start rebuilding a new and healthier relationship with money – something I consider to be of great significance as I grow my own business and wealth.

I found each week to contain useful and interesting activities which all led to some “aha” moments. They cleverly stand alone, while at the same time building on each other.

If you aren’t sure why your relationship with money isn’t working as well as you would like, do yourself a favour and take the opportunity to do the Money Breakthroughs program. I am certain there will be “aha’s” and breakthroughs for you.”

Danny Swanson – Danny

I’m charging 40% more for my services

“Prior to working with Annemarie I had low self belief, I didn’t have any goals, and was bogged down due to lack of USP in a competitive industry. Other areas in my business where I was struggling was I lacked the confidence in networking with other people and presenting information about our business. And, I was definitely not charging what I was worth.

After working with Annemarie, I am much more confident in business situations, I understand my niche better, and I have better structuring and direction in my marketing because I am far more focused.

I now have a direction in the business, have set myself goals for the next 3months, 6 months, 9 months, 1 year and 3 year. And, more importantly, I am now charging 40% more for my projects and clients are extremely happy to pay this.”

Anne Morton – Lifestyle Videos

I  doubled my investment in the program!

“I launched my introductory program and have doubled the investment I made in this program already

Prior to participating in the 6-Figure Success Blueprint Group Coaching Program I was working on my business all hours of the day but not getting the conversions I should have been, nor justifying the amount of time I was spending on my business. It felt kind of pointless and disheartening.

I had a real breakthrough when we did the branding with archetypes session. I realised that I had all this passion and knowledge inside my head just waiting to escape and I set to work on developing my very own training program based on the results. I also really enjoyed the session where we developed our signature systems. It was hard work but the result was something tangible I could then take to clients to further help them.

I launched my introductory program and have already made back the money I invested in Annemarie’s mentoring program. In fact, I’ve doubled it! I’m really excited to be developing something new and am confident that having my signature system in place will guide future development of my programs and offerings.

I feel like I can bring structure and order to the chaos of my business life, which involves running two completely different businesses. The knowledge I’ve gained through Annemarie’s program has been invaluable in terms of helping me put systems in place to generate more profit while doing what I love.

This program has given me confidence to progress in other areas of my business. I have since taken on some consulting work as well and that has been hugely satisfying. I am now looking forward to refining things further and applying all that I’ve learned to both of my businesses.”

Cas McCullough – Content Marketing CardiologyTM

The payoff (for investing in this program) is indescribable! 

“The investment was daunting and I stretched myself. The payoff is indescribable!

There is a fortune of talk in business building circles about your ‘ideal client’. Until working with Annemarie, I had created my ideal client based on what I thought – my intellect. I didn’t really know or feel her.

By understanding my own unique brilliance (through Annemarie’s exercises), I now better understand my ideal client from within. From that place I have been able to really communicate with ‘her’ in all my content and in shaping the focus of my business so that my work reflects my passion, purpose and strength. Before, the process really was a head thing, which doesn’t build connection with prospective clients.

I have recreated my website and Facebook page – and was nervous! However the following on my page (that I have amazingly created) are women who connect with the heart and soul of my business.

I am definitely attracting prospects so when people sign up for my tips etc I know that they are there for the correct reasons. When people unsubscribe I have full confidence that they are not a fit and so not a loss – so there is much less angst.

A large part of my content marketing involves blogging on other sites. When I write now, I speak straight from and to archetypes. I know who I want to connect with rather than shooting into the wind and hoping.

I have been able to create new products with ease because I have focus – I know what my ideal client wants.

Building a business as a single, homeschooling mother is demanding – I have needed to know what to do. I don’t have time to waste. Annemarie has literally walked me through every single step that I have needed to build the solid foundations I need to build my business and has saved me hours and hours and hours of fumbling and possibly giving up.

The investment was daunting and I stretched myself. The payoff is indescribable. I highly, highly recommend working with Annemarie if you have a burning vision but a nonfunctional vehicle to getting there in terms of building a brilliant, successful business.”

Kerri Baruch –

Who can argue with a 100% success rate?

“Annemarie’s proven professional branding strategies allow me to communicate my talents, products value and meet my clients’ needs optimally. Who can argue with a 100% success rate?
Annemarie Cross – who can argue with 100% success rate!

Prior to meeting Annemarie, I was working in excess of 40 hours a week as a full time employee with a large multinational advertising company. I was competing against my own better judgement, as I’d developed a unique strategy planning suite of tools and desperately wanted to launch my product and business into the global market place.

Upon approaching Annemarie, her professional understanding, skills and compassion translated into an articulate, succinct and very clear professional profile document. The value of this document to my business is ongoing and ever increasing. Every client I’ve presented this professional profile to has welcomed me into their business.

Annemarie’s proven professional branding strategies allow me to communicate my talents, products value and meet my clients’ needs optimally. Who can argue with a 100% success rate?

Having a professional profile document which speaks of my services and products is fundamental to my businesses success and future growth in the global marketplace. Annemarie’s services are integral to my success as a Management Consultant Strategist and leading developer pioneer of Thinkware Systems TM 2010.

If you are considering the value of this service you need to ask yourself as a business professional, have I equipped myself with a professional marketing profile which speaks of my experience, qualifications, skill and character profile from the perspective of my clients needs.

If the answer is no, you need to seek the expertise of a qualified professional such as Annemarie, who can bridge the gap between your clients and your professional enterprise.”

Kim Ross – Thinkware Global

My brand now aligns perfectly with my values

“I was confused about how to stand out from my competitors however now I am clear on my brand attributes and unique qualities I bring to my clients.

Before completing the Unearth Your Brilliance Branding program, I was confused about how to stand out from my competitors and what it was that I offered that was unique and different from all the other coaches out there.

However now, I am able to define who I am through being clear on my brand attributes and the unique qualities I bring to my business and my clients.

Annemarie’s gentle and supportive approach, along with the powerful exercises we did throughout the program ensured I had many ‘aha’ moments.

I have gained a far deeper understanding about myself, which has allowed me to make my presentation style softer and more feminine. This now aligns perfectly with my own personal values and how I want my business to be. I’m thrilled as I’ve received many comments from my colleagues who have noticed that I am softer and more feminine in my approach.

I enjoyed the program and would certainly recommend that all service-based business owners invest in themselves to unearth their brilliance and uncover the key elements of difference they have to offer their clients so that they can stand out from their competitors.”

Ingrid Perri: Life Coach – Success & Fulfillment Coaching

I am  inspired and I can’t speak highly enough of this program!

“After completing the program everything is clearer and with that clarity I am now able to portray and promote my business with confidence.

I had a number of issues prior to completing the Unearth Your Brilliance Program. I needed to clarify my brand in my own mind and also wanted to determine how I was being perceived by my existing clients and prospects. I also questioned whether I was explaining what my business did in an accurate way.

The content, presenter and the processes/activities we completed in the workshop were fantastic. The program was professionally run, while educational and a lot of fun. I found the whole experience positive and invaluable; in fact I can’t speak highly enough of the program.

One of my favourite parts was when Annemarie opened the day with “Each and every one of us has a beautiful gem deep inside waiting to be unearthed, cut and polished. This gem is your unique brilliance – your brand. Let it continue to shine brilliantly.” This positive opening statement really set me up for the rest of the workshop.

Since completing the program everything is clearer, and with that clarity I am now able to portray and promote my business with confidence, whereas before I questioned whether what I was saying was accurate. I’ve also found that the program has eliminated the writer’s block I was experiencing when trying to communicate my brand on paper.

I am speaking more confidently and with more clarity and now have words to use so that I can connect with and inspire my clients into taking action!

I can’t speak highly enough of the program and the experience and would highly recommend it!

The Unearth Your Brilliance Branding Program has helped me in many ways:

  • I discovered my brand personas, skills and strengths are very much on brand which was very reassuring as previously I would doubt myself.
  • It helped me identify my strengths and weaknesses which empowered me to make changes.
  • I was able to clarify and express what my business does.
  • I confirmed that I am being perceived the way I would like to be.
  • It helped me eliminate writer’s block and self doubt.
  • Being able to complete my own brand wheel was extremely satisfying.
  • The workshop helped ignite thought-provoking positive language about my branding and helped erase the negative language.
  • I came out of the program feeling inspired, proud of what I had achieved, and looking forward to the future direction of my business.

Sylvia Bourne  Office Genie

I feel more passionate when talking about what I do

“I found the whole experience positive and invaluable – I can’t speak highly enough of the program.

I was finding it very difficult to explain what I do in my business when speaking with other business people. I always felt like I was floundering and that I wasn’t able to connect with others when I was explaining how my business could help them.

Annemarie was very calm and attentive to each person during the program. On entering the workshop room, there was a calming and productive atmosphere. The colours, lighting, music and handouts were a delight to see, hear and feel. The activities were fun to do and easy to understand.

Since completing the program I have a deep understanding about my brand and what makes me unique so now have much more confidence when talking about my business. I am clearer about what I do and how this makes such a positive difference to other businesses.

During the workshop I also created a sheet with one-liners that I can use when talking about my business. Every week I go back and read those short sentences, and it makes me feel very proud of what I do.

I would recommend the Unearth Your Brilliance Program to all other business owners. It gave me such a clear insight into how my work helps other businesses and I feel more passionate when I tell others about what I do.”

Jeanette Cunningham, Jenham Solutions – Customised Software

I have attracted  international interest – something I never thought would be possible!

“I would like to publicly thank Annemarie Cross from for an outstanding webinar I attended about social networking.

Annemarie was very calm and attentive to each person during the program. On entering the workshop room, there was a calming and productive atmosphere. The colours, lighting, music and handouts were a delight to see, hear and feel. The activities were fun to do and easy to understand.

Prior to this webinar I had no knowledge of how Facebook, Twitter etc; worked. Not being computer literate, I didn’t expect too much from the webinar, and I thought that I would just fall behind everybody else, while perhaps gaining a little knowledge.

I was in for a surprise as Annemarie constructed the webinar to suit everybody. Most topics were easy to understand and if they weren’t Annemarie would go over them again until you understood. Annemarie would answer any questions I had and sent emails to reassure me all the time.

I now use Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin to promote my business and I have a lot of people commenting on my pages how good they look. I have attracted interest internationally which I never thought would be possible for our business.

I would recommend Annemarie’s social networking webinar to anybody who would like to promote their business globally. Without Annemarie’s brilliant webinar, her ongoing help and support this would not have been possible for me.

I can’t wait to attend another one of Annemarie’s webinars or courses.”

Sharon Stosic – Tint-A-Car Pakenham

Exposure to my business has increased at least   5 fold!

“I attended Annemarie’s social media webinar bootcamp earlier this year.

Annemarie’s knowledge in social media is fantastic, she was able to answer all the questions her attendies asked. Her after the event assistance is second to none.

By using the knowledge gained through this bootcamp the exposure to for my business – ACE Lending Solutions – has increased at least 5 fold.

Thanks Annemarie.”

Gayle McTaggart – ACE Lending Solutions

After unearthing my brilliance, my website and services  truly reflect who I am

“Have you ever been so close to something that you couldn’t see what was there? It’s like when you put your finger on the tip of your nose and you can’t see it…you know it’s there but you duck, weave and try so hard to see it! This is what it feels like when you don’t have a clear and focused brand. You know what you do, you know how you do it, but you just can’t seem to find the right words or the right feeling behind them to get your message out to your clients!

I was attracted to Annemarie’s branding program because she offered the Archetypes program. And the extra bonus was the 360 degree feedback research. I was “up for” constructive feedback on everything: my personality, the way I looked after my clients, the value I provided…I really wanted to know how I could stand out from the crowd and make an impact, without sounding like a cheesy sales pitch!

If you’re looking for a way to connect with your target niche/market or you’re wanting to isolate what makes you different from your colleagues/peers/competition, I highly recommend this program.

Since completing this program I’ve rebranded my websites and created a package of services that truly reflect who I am and what I can offer.”

Kylie Saunder – Kylie

I doubled last year’s income in 4 months!

“Looking back on my business I can see now that I was stuck because of fear and self doubt.

I didn’t know how to respond to ‘the price’ question when people asked me how much my services cost. And, I was afraid if I said the price in a reply email without getting into a long ‘it depends’ explanation, they wouldn’t call. My lack of confidence and feeling like I didn’t have enough expertise to warrant the rate was the reason I was not charging what I was worth.

However, after implementing the steps you teach in your webinars and programs I have so much more clarity in my ‘brand’, my target market (niche), as well as my short term and long term goals. I know exactly where and what I will be doing to help as many people in my target market as possible.

I don’t hesitate to say my rate, I no longer ‘cave’ to discounting and I only service the clients that align to my ‘heart centre’. I’m even turning down work if it does not align with who I am.

I have doubled my income already this year (in just four months) over what I made for all of last year.

Thank you Annemarie – you have helped me immensely. I have gained the confidence to believe in my rate; have now defined my niche market; and align all of my communications to that market.”

Lisa Patriquin,

I had several ‘ah ha’ moments

“Through a friend I became aware of Annemarie and her inspiring programs. I saw the “Sacred Money Archetypes” being advertised on her FB page one day and thought, this is for me. Now, I’ve studied topic’s like this before, and so this was not my first exposure to the power of the mind, etc.

However, the difference was the personal touch, that Annemarie added. She did an excellent job explaining the course and helping us as we went through the exercises. If we had an issue, she encouraged us to ask questions, and cleared those questions up quickly.

I personally had several “ah ha” moments, during the Sacred Money Ar chetypes Program.

I can relate one in particular, that really stuck with me. We did an exercise which involved your total household income. When I added it up, I realized, due to my husband’s very good income, I had inadvertently set a “ceiling” on my own income, as our joint income had risen. It was a huge moment of clarity for me moving forward. I had to reset that limit, upward to include my future contributions as well. That “ah ha”, is helping me to open up to more in my life, through my own work. I look forward to changes in the near future.

If there is any doubt about taking this course, please don’t hesitate. You will get these very cool cards in the mail and from there on, it will be an adventure, you will not regret!”

Wilma J. Brantner –

I have started taking responsibility for my   financial life

“I have discovered my business ‘niche’ and have started taking responsibility for my financial life…

During my time with the Rubies Biz Acceleration Coaching Club, I have discovered my business “niche” and I have started taking responsibility for my financial life. I feel more focused and I can feel things really turning around in my business!

It is great to have the Rubies as a source of keeping one accountable for their business shifts and transformations.

Annemarie Cross is a wonderful coach with a very clear communication style and a talent for quickly getting right to the core of an issue. Many coaches have similar messages but Annemarie’s straightforward way of illustrating her points brought me further in developing my business more quickly.

Annemarie is very professional, very friendly, very generous and truly has her clients’ best interest at heart! She is amazingly prolific with helpful business tips and information, whether it is within the realm of her newsletters, blogs and social media, or if you enroll in her paid services.

I look forward to enjoying more of her guidance, coaching and support! Thank you, Annemarie, for bringing such clarity!”

Astra Spider, Abundant Heart:
Breakthrough Transformation for Creative Professionals

I’m taking  vital steps to transform my business

“Since joining Rubies, I have started taking the VITAL step necessary to help transform my business…

Annemarie has been an inspiration to me for many years with her positive and engaging approach – not to mention business acumen and amazing insights.Since joining Rubies, I have started taking the VITAL steps necessary to help transform my business. The Rubies Biz Acceleration Coaching Club has provided me with:

  • Access to proven systems and resources.
  • Clarity on vision, purpose, values and direction.
  • Ongoing accountability and a stop to procrastination.
  • A sounding board for decisions, ideas and day-to-day operations.
    Strategies, so that I can move from working ‘in’ the business to working ‘on’ the business.

“I highly recommend Annemarie Cross Rubies Biz Acceleration Coaching Club, if you are serious about improving your business (and income)!”

Carolyn Smith, Certified Expert Resume Writer
Master Selection Criteria Writer and Job Search Coach


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