Are you developing (or destroying) your online reputation and relationships?
Many businesses are leveraging the power of social media in their marketing and brand communication strategies. Unfortunately, there are some unscrupulous (or perhaps ‘uneducated’) users who are not following social media ‘etiquette’ and are therefore destroying their reputation and any chance of building solid relationships with their network.
Join Annemarie Cross as she identifies:
– 10 things you should NOT be doing when using social media; and
– 5 principles you SHOULD adopt to ensure you use these technologies appropriately in your online interactions.
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Till next time, have an awesome week!
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Social media is now better to use in marketing aspects especially if you want to promote your business online. You can also use social media to attract visitors towards your website.
Social media can play a very important role in a business’s digital marketing strategy. However only if they use (not abuse) the tools. I find that many business owners believe they can use social media to blast out sales messages without building value or relationships first. And, as people are getting more savvier, they’re just not interested in being ‘sold’ to anymore.