Does Twitter cause your head to go into a spin?

Here are some snippets of advice that Twitter expert – Keith Keller shared with us during our #AskTheExpert Session.

Tip 1: Develop a strong brand

Tip 2: Tweet 5 times per day to begin with

Tip 3: Use automation tools to leverage your time

Click here to check out the rest of the conversation as Keith shares more tips and strategies about how to leverage social media tool – Twitter

Keith joined me recently on Business Success Podcast. Here's the replay where Keith talks about:

  • His 5-step Crack the Code of Social Media process
  • A secret formula you can use to promote your business without turning off people in your tribe, and
  • Some amazing automation tools, and much more.

What do you think? Were these tips helpful? If you are new to Twitter, which are you going to implement first? Please share this with your friends and colleagues by clicking the Like button below; and remember to leave a comment. I love hearing from our readers!!

See you on Twitter!!


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