
Hi! Annemarie Cross, Branding Money Breakthroughs and Business Coach

Here’s another tip to help you build your brand, get noticed, hired and paid what you’re worth.

One of the things I tweeted recently to my ‘tweeples’ was a reminder that she was the greatest asset in her business and that it was important for her to look after herself.

This is the same for you in your business as well. YOU are your business’s great asset.

So, how are you looking after your greatest asset?

On Saturday morning’s, one of the things I like to do is go to the gym.

I think exercising, looking after myself; my health and well-being is very important. When I’m feeling physically fit, it impacts positively on my mental status.

So, one of the things I want to encourage you to do when you’re nearing the weekend is to refresh, recuperate and re-charge your batteries.

Make sure that you really do give lots of time and space to rest. Whatever that means for you, whether it’s going to the gym, whether it’s walking along the each, enjoying time with your friends and family.

Whatever it is that you enjoy – make sure you schedule and do it. Because you are your business’s greatest asset. And, you’re worth it!

What activity do you like to do to recharge your batteries? Please comment and share – it’s always nice to hear from our readers.

If you like this post share it, send it to people that you care about. I’d really appreciate it!

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