
Are you a creative heart-centered entrepreneur that finds ‘typical’ sales and marketing tactics too aggressive, unnatural and just plain scary and off putting? Are you doing great work however you’re just not generating the fees and income that you’d like?

If you answered ‘yes’ then you’re going to love today’s topic.

My guest today is Zahra Efan – an abundance expert.

Zahra works with creative heart centered female entrepreneurs, helping them market their passionate message with ease by tapping into their natural marketing style so that they can become comfortable in charging their worth as they continue to serve their clients.

On todays show Zahra shares:

–      How being who you are can connect you to your market

–      Why it’s important to do marketing activities you like

–      Why it’s important to understand your values in order to succeed in business

–      How charging your value and worth can help you uplift the world,

–      And much more

To find out more about Zahra go to: www.zahraefan.com

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Till next time – stay inspired!

Are you struggling to distinguish yourself from your competitors? Feel undervalued and underpaid? Access our 7 step series to get noticed, hired and PAID what you’re worth, INSTANTLY! http://bit.ly/chargeyourworth


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