Do you wonder whether anyone is really making money on the internet? Are you interested in an online formula that will put you ahead of your competition? Are you afraid that with the amount of time you need to spend on social media – you won’t have time to do anything else?
If you’ve answered ‘yes’ – then you must listen to the advice today’s guest Gihan Perera shares.
Gihan Perera is an Internet Coach and has been helping thought leaders, speakers, consultants and business professionals with their e-marketing and e-learning strategies since 1997. He is also author of 10 books with the most recent being: Fast, Flat and Free: How the Internet Has Changed Your Business
On todays show Gihan shares:
– The simple and free on-line formula that will help put you in front of your competition
– How to stay on top of social media without it taking over your life
– The four key sales triggers that convert Web site visitors into customers
– And much more
To find out more about Gihan go to:
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Till next time – stay inspired!
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Thanks for making me sound good, Annemarie! I really enjoyed doing the interview. For people who would like the Fast, Flat and Free book, or would like to join the complimentary Internet Business Revolution webinar series, go to
A pleasure Gihan. You shared some very important points that all business owners should be aware of! Thank you!
Nowadays, you can now use the advantage of internet in different kind of aspects especially in enhancing and developing business and you can also use the advantage of internet to help you make money online.
Through the help of internet, it is now easy for businesses to promote their sales and products online and they can also use social media sites like Facebook and Twitter to promote an event for potential customers and clients. Some chiropractors also use internet in order to get more patients and to know how, you can visit this link..
Very nice article Anne!
These days you can now use the benefit of internet in different type of aspects especially in improving and developing business and you will also use the advantage of internet that will help you make money online.