Hi, Annemarie Cross – Money, Marketing & Mindset Business Coach with another jam packed show for you.

Episode #4: Key Environments that Can Support (or Hinder) Your Business's Growth

Are you struggling to build a successful coaching business / practice? Perhaps it’s because your internal and external environments are not supporting you in the best possible way.

On today’s show I’ll be speaking about:

  • 3 key environments that can either support or limit your business’s growth
  • I’ll be answering Delia R’s question: The biggest hurdle I have to getting paid what I’m worth is: How do I find my ideal client?
  • Inspirational quote

Do you have a question you’d like me to answer in an upcoming show? Or do you want to share a comment or ‘aha’ moment?

Leave me your name, business name and comment on either of the contact details below and I’ll answer your question or include your comment in an upcoming episode:

  • (03) 9708 6930 – Within Australia
  • (520) 777 9610 – Within the US
  • Website: Send a Voice Message button (to the right)

Further resources you can access to help you build a success coaching business / practice:

Today’s Inspirational Tip – it’s a Tweetable!

Where does money sit on your values scale? Low? Or not at all? This WILL impact how money you make!@AnnemarieCoach Tweet This

Enjoy the show!

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What did you think about the message Annemarie shared today? Are any of these three environments limiting the growth in your business? What action step will you take after hearing today’s tips and strategies? Go ahead and share. We’d love to hear from you!

Please leave your comment in the box below, and remember to share and Like the show with your colleagues. Also, stop on by our Facebook page to say hello and to give us a shout out on Twitter – we promise to shout back! As always, we appreciate it!


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