Be mindful of the approach you adopt when crafting your story.

Be mindful of the approach you adopt when crafting your story.

The story where you share your personal journey – the journey that has lead you on the path to where you are today.

Many of the ‘typical’ approaches others teach just won’t work – for you.

Because you’re anything but typical.

You know those strengths, talents and gifts that others often admire about you? They’re not just some random things you’re able to do. They were chosen, just for you.

You know those heartaches, the challenges you faced, those nights you cried yourself to sleep hoping that no-one would see just how sad you were? My friend, those moments were developing the courage, strength and determination you now need.

Because the message that’s been placed on your heart is not by coincidence.

It’s not just some random thing you’ve got an interest in.

It’s what you stand for. It’s YOUR cause.

It’s your Purpose; your calling.

And, it’s been there all along since childhood.

With every moment, every action and every interaction – guiding, strengthening and nurturing in you, what you need to BE the difference and MAKE a REAL difference in the lives of the people you have been called to support.

Are you ready to take on that challenge?

The world is waiting. Your time is NOW!

#DisruptorsUnite #GameChangersUnite #InfluencersUnite #Influencers #BEtheDifference #MakeADifference #BEtheTallPoppy


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San Diego, CA 92465

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(815) 555-5555

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