Have you been working hard to get your message out there – yet you still feel invisible? Or maybe you’ve been speaking with prospective clients (who you know you could support), yet they still say ‘No’ to your services? Why?

On today’s show I share 3 missing links and what you need to do instead to ensure they don’t continue to stunt your business growth.

On today’s show:

  • Tip of the week: Snip.ly
  • Announcements: Shout Out and Thank you’s
  • Today’s Words of Wisdom: 3 missing links that’ll stunt business growth
  • Inspirational Message to nourish your mind, body and spirit for the week ahead


Read the transcript: Click here to download


1. Thank you to Keri Jaehnig. Keri is a Content & Social Media Marketing Manager for Automotive, Green, Real Estate, Travel and Professional Brands. You’ll find her over on Twitter @IdeaGirlMedia

2. Thank you to Stacie Walker. Stacie is a Best Selling Author, Podcast Producer and Mentor who helps people turn their personal story into a best seller. You’ll find her over on Twitter @StacieWalker

Tip of the week:

Snip.ly – for a huge selection of images for your blog posts.

Words of Wisdom:

3 Missing Links That’ll Stunt Business Growth

  1. Clarity
  2. Confidence
  3. Connections

Additional Resources:

Today’s Inspirational Message:
[xyz-ihs snippet=”Michael-Angelo-2″]

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Question: What’s one action step you’re going to commit to this week after hearing today’s message? Leave your comment by clicking here.


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