Everything you say to yourself, when you are by yourself, can help you in achieving success. Or not. Are your words, helping or hindering you?

On today’s show I share 3 common statements we often say to ourselves, which will keep us stuck, and what you should be telling yourself instead.

On today’s show:

  • Tip of the week: Dropbox.com
  • Announcements: Thank you and Shout Out
  • Today’s Words of Wisdom: Your Words: Are they helping or hindering your success?
  • Inspirational Message to nourish your mind, body and spirit for the week ahead


Read the transcript: Click here to download


Thank you to Berrett-Koehler, Book Publisher and proud BCorp, connecting people and ideas to create world that works for all. You’ll find them over on Twitter @BKPub

If you would like to share our content why not pop across to our iTunes channel subscribe; rate our show; and leave a comment. I’m trying to get this show into the ears of as many people I can and would LOVE your support. Thank you!!!

Tip of the week:

www.DropBox.com – is a home for all your photos, docs, videos, and files. Anything you add to Dropbox will automatically show up on all your computers, phones and even the Dropbox website — so you can access your stuff from anywhere.

Words of Wisdom:

3 statements you can tell yourself that WILL hinder your success:

  1. “I’m not good enough”
  2. “Other people can do it – but I can’t”
  3. “I failed…again”

Today’s Inspirational Message:
[xyz-ihs snippet=”Muhammad-Ali”]

Additional resources mentioned during the show:

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Question: Do you recognize these words or any words that are hindering your success? What are you going to tell yourself instead to move you forward? Go ahead and leave a comment by clicking here.


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