How are you tracking with your goals this year? Are you on track? Have you achieved most of them? Or, are you too embarrassed to even think about your goals because you’re a long way off from achieving them.

On today’s show I want to speak about something that can keep you from achieving your goals if you let it, and three things you could be doing that is impacting you from not only setting goals, but achieving them.

On today’s show:

  • Tip of the week: My system for coming up with content ideas
  • Announcements: Thank You – Shout Out
  • Today’s Words of Wisdom: Don’t Let Doubt – Take You Out
  • Inspirational Message to nourish your mind, body and spirit for the week ahead


Read the transcript: Click here to download


  1. Thank you to Ralph Ehlers, who is an Entrepreneur. You’ll find him over on Twitter @TheRalphEhlers

Tip of the week:

The system I came up with that has enabled me to come up with some great content development ideas.

Words of Wisdom:

3 ways Doubt & Fear Can Take You Out

  1. Not Showing Up
  2. Not Stepping Up
  3. Not Speaking Up

 Today’s Inspirational Message:

“You’ve got 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to smile?” — Anon

Additional resources mentioned during the show:

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Question: How has doubt and fear kept you stuck? What’s one action you’re going to take to move you forward? Go ahead and leave a comment by clicking here.


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