While running your own business can be exciting and challenging, there can also be times where you get into a slump. Here are 6 things to get you back on track.

On today’s show I speak about the first 6 things (out of 12) that I’ve personally done to reinvigorate my energy, recharge my batteries, and get me back on track into inspired action.

On today’s show:

  • Tip of the week: Erasable Pens by Pilot
  • Announcements: Thank You – Shout Out
  • Today’s Words of Wisdom: How to Get Motivated After You’ve Hit a Slump – Part 1
  • Inspirational Message to nourish your mind, body and spirit for the week ahead


Read the transcript:  Click here to download


Our one-day workshop: Network & Communicate With Confidence

Tip of the week:

Erasable Pens by Pilot [I got mine from Officeworks]

Words of Wisdom:

How to get motivated after you’ve hit a slump – part 1:

  1. Get Specific
  2. Examine Your ‘Why’
  3. Tell Someone
  4. Minimize Distractions
  5. Outsource Tasks
  6. Take a Break

Additional Resources:

Today’s Inspirational Message:

“You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lost sight of the shore.”— Anon

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join-the-conversationQuestion: Do you have a special activity you do to get your motivated and out of a slump? Leave a comment by clicking here.


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