Ever been in a situation where you’ve read or heard something that made your blood boil? So much so that you had to come forward and make a stand for what you truly believed was fundamentally important? I did – this week.

This happened to me a while ago where on three separate instances other business professionals were advising their clients (who were coaches) with (what I believed was) incorrect information and therefore were setting their clients’ businesses up for disappointment and ongoing struggle.

I speak about my thoughts on today’s show.

On today’s show:

  • Tip of the week: Make sure your office is an inspiring place
  • Announcements: Thank You – Shout Out
  • Today’s Words of Wisdom: Branding & Niching – Important or a Waste of Time?
  • Inspirational Message to nourish your mind, body and spirit for the week ahead


Read the transcript:  Click here to download


  1. Thank you to Construction Index – IK’s leading Construction News Service. You’ll find them over on Twitter @TCIndex

Tip of the week:

Make sure your office is an inspiring space.

Words of Wisdom:

Branding & Niching: Important or a Waste of Time?

  1. Mistake Number 1: It’s not important
  2. Mistake Number 2: Service Businesses Don’t Need to Build a Brand
  3. Mistake Number 3: Go out and get clients and worry about niching and branding later

Additional Resources:

Today’s Inspirational Message:

“Actually, I just woke up one day and decided I didn’t want to feel like that anymore, or ever again. So I changed. Just like that.”— Anon

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 Question: Do you think branding and niching is a waste of time? Or not? Leave a comment by clicking here.


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