Do you know what your Preferred Learning Style is? More importantly, do you know the words and phrases that resonate with each of the four learning styles so you can weave these into your Signature Talk to be more influential with your audience?

In today’s audio biz tip I share a quick, fun exercise, which identifies words from each of the four Preferred Learning Styles.

  • If word group 1 had the most words that you connected with in it – you’re probably an Innovative Learner;
  • If word group 2 scored the most words – you’re probably a Common Sense Learner;
  • If word group 3– you’re probably an Analytic Learner; and
  • If word group 4 – you’re probably a Dynamic Learner

Which do you prefer?

Listen now: [powerpress url=””]

Click here to download transcript

Question: Which word group do you resonate with the most? What’s ONE thing you’re going to do within the next 24 hours to get you moving? 
Share your comment by clicking here.


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