#GetMoreClients Session #1

Join us every Tuesday at 10am as we share tips and strategies on how you can #getmoreclients.

Here are some of strategies on how you can become a client magnet and money magnet that we discussed in our first session. How many are you doing?

Strategy 1: An absolute must for any business is to have a clear, authentic brand that resonates with their prospects. #getmoreclients


Strategy 2: Positioning yourself as the go-to-person & showcasing yr expertise is vital to #getmoreclients through articles, blogs, videos etc

Strategy 3: Do you offer a free gift (of real value) that you offer people visiting your site to build your list? #getmoreclients


Strategy 4: Is this year going to be YOUR year? You should have yr marketing calendar mapped out to keep u focused & on track

Strategy 5: Every post, conversation & interaction speaks yr #brand. What are you saying to yr prospects?

Strategy 6: Consistent marketing & communications with yr prospects is vital. Are you regularly communicating with your tribe?

Strategy 7: Have you got a clear understanding of your prospects problems & the solutions you offer them?

For more #GetMoreClients strategies click here

What do you think? Did you find these helpful? If you did, please share them with your friends and colleagues by pressing the Like button below. I really appreciate it! And, let me know which strategies you’ll be implementing in your business in the comments box below. I love hearing from you!


Have a question? Do you have a question or topic you’d like us to cover in one of our upcoming #getmoreclients sessions? Send your suggestion to: info@annemariecross.com

Are you a Client Attraction Specialist? If you are a specialist who helps businesses become a client magnet and money magnet so they can #getmoreclients and would like to participate in future #getmoreclients sessions, email me: info@annemariecross.com

Find out how you can join in future #GetMoreCiients sessions here



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