Today on #GetMoreClients we’re talking about the importance of building and maintaining a strong brand.
Many business owners tend to think your brand is your logo, your business card, your website, your slogan. However, your brand goes much deeper than that.
Here’s how you can participate:
Step 1: Go to your Twitter account
Step 2: Follow Me: @AnnemarieCoach
Step 3: Follow the hashtag: #getmoreclients
Step 4: Join our Twub, and follow along there:
When: Wednesday 2 February 2011 at Noon [Melbourne: Australian Eastern Standard Time]
A special thanks to all the people who joined in. Here are some of the great tweets that were shared:
#GetMoreClients sessions are on every week – same time, same Twub, same hashtag. Feel free to join in!
Here’s to building a strong brand!