Welcome to Episode 4 of Women In Leadership PodcastIn this episode Christine Smith and I discuss how to have crucial conversations with key stakeholders to secure their support.

Christine will share:

  • The importance of leading by example and being prepared to do what you ask of others.
  • Why you should learn to tell stories to tap into people’s emotions when you’re looking for their support WHILE also keeping those statistics and numbers handy, and
  • How to persevere and have confidence in yourself so you can shatter those barriers and achieve the best outcome


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This week’s Thought Provoking Inspirational Tip:

Quotes from our Special Guest:


[Tweet “If your self-belief isn’t strong – find someone who will support & encourage you. #WomenInLeadership @RowvilleCK”]


Resources & Links Shared:

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Question: What ONE area of your life you recognize you need to spend time on? Go ahead and share it below. Also, what’s ONE thing you’re going to do within the next 24 hours? Share your comment by clicking here.



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