Does your business card make the cut?
This week I attended a networking event with 120+ women executives and business owners (my ears are still ringing from the level of noise we made with all the networking and relationship building going on).
As I connected with people I received numerous comments about how much they loved my business card.
Specifically the colour, the shape of the card, and the business name/tag line, which sums up my services and what I help people achieve – perfectly.
If you’ve been reading my posts for a while- you’d know that I’m passionate about helping women entrepreneurs create an authentic, memorable Signature Brand so they exude an influential message so they get noticed, hired and paid what they’re worth.
Credibility, visibility, hireability AND profitability is what I help client achieve, hence my business name and tag line: “Communicate Your Brand – Get noticed, hired and paid what you’re worth” being prominently displayed on the front of my business card.
Here’s a picture of my business card:
What about your business card? How influential is it?
When you hand it out – do people stop and take an extra moment to look at it? Do they comment about the uniqueness, colour, style and/or design or whatever it is that you have done to make your card stand out?
And, what about all of your other marketing/brand touch points, including brochures, website, answering machine message, pens, stationery – in fact pretty much EVERYTHING. Do they continue to send out a consistent message that represents your Signature Brand?
They should…
Because of the clarity I have around my Signature Brand (including what I stand for, my inner brilliance and expertise, my primary and influencing Brand Archetypes and the key emotions of my brand) it made it so much easier for me to communicate with my graphic design about the message I wanted my card to portray and the impact I wanted it to have when I handed it.
And, I’m sure you’ll agree this was captured beautifully in my business card.
What special elements does your business card incorporate to help you incorporate your brand message? What ‘aha’s did you have? What action step are you going to take after today’s article? Go ahead and share, it’s always great to hear from you!
Till next time, to your success and brilliance
May I respectfully suggest to take another picture of your business card while resting over a White background?
Leaving it as it is now, detracts from the interesting and valuable message of your exposé.
Luis F. Mejía
Hi Luis, you’re absolutely right! [Photography is not one of my strengths, however I have retaken the photos and hope they come through clearer]. Best, Annemarie
Kudos AnneMarie!!!
Better images of the cards, you are now a photographer.
Thanks for sharing your wisdom! This has really helped me 🙂 I am in the middle of getting some business cards made from CardsMadeEasy 😀
You’re very welcome Chris!
your article is really helpful and make this process easier.Thanks for sharing!
A business card is a reflection of who you are and what you can offer. At a glance, you choice of color is in harmony with your website . Kudos!
@AnneMarie!!! I’m quite Impressed to read your article and your spread some impressive design of the business card. That’s sound amazing.
Twitter: @lyutharjacob
I often get lots of business cards which are boring and monotonous…and seriously a business card reflects a lot about the person to whom it belongs. It also reflects what you can offer the people…an attractive looking card surely makes an impression on a person the moment he or she receives it.