How Focused are YOU?

While running your own business can be extremely rewarding, it can also be exhausting. Especially when you consider the daily tasks you have to juggle.

Business development; working with clients; marketing; networking; attending to emails and phone calls; program and product development; and putting out any arising unexpected fires, etc.

Building your empire can certainly present its challenges, right?

As a busy business owner, you’ll want to become mindful of the activities and projects you get involved in. Take on too many and you can wear yourself thin, making it impossible to achieve any of your goals.

So, the next time an opportunity presents itself, before leaping in both feet first (in true entrepreneurial style), follow the steps in the Distraction-Buster Blueprint to see whether it’s a worthwhile opportunity or whether it’s a distraction.

Are you focused or distracted?

Let the Distraction-Buster Blueprint determine which…


Here’s our infographic to help you put together your Powerful Biz Goal.


Were the steps helpful for you? What were your results? Focused/Distracted? Let me know in the comment section below – it’s always great to hear from you.

And, if you liked the article and infographic please Like and Share with your colleagues. I’m sure they’ll find it helpful too!


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4953 Vine Street
San Diego, CA 92465

Office hours

Workdays at
9:00am – 6:00pm

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(815) 555-5555

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