Ever have an idea start to percolate in the back of your mind and before you knew it – you were taking action. However all the while you’re thinking WHAT-THE-HECK-AM-I- DOING and WHO-DO-I-THINK-I-AM-TO-BE-ABLE-TO-PULL-THIS-OFF?

In today’s audio biz tip I speak about the “Who do I think I am?” Syndrome, how your inner critic can keep you stuck, and three steps to get you moving forward with clarity.

Listen now: [powerpress url=”http://media.blubrry.com/ambitiousentrepreneurnetwork/p/content.blubrry.com/ambitiousentrepreneurnetwork/JustDoIt.mp3”]

Click here to download transcript

Question: What’s one action you’re going to take to overcome the “Who do I think I am?” Syndrome and get into action to achieve your goal? 
Share your comment by clicking here.


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