Ok, I admit that I'm a bit of a techno gadget enthusiast. [The fact that I'm just about bursting out of my office certainly confirms it 🙂 ] However, when I recently read a blog post about the Livescribe 'Echo' Pen – I knew that this piece of technology was going to help me enormously in my business.

Yesterday, I recorded a brief video about how I used the pen to mindmap ideas for a video blog post, which is one of the ways that I'll be using this technology. It not only records what you write on paper (that is easily accessible on your computer – see the pdf of my mindmap below), it also records audio.

Anyway, watch the video and see what you think.


Here's a pdf of the mindmap: Mindmapping

Here's the video I created using the Mindmap framework

So what do you think? Can you see a use for this pen in your business? Perhaps you already have one and are using this already? As always, I'd love to hear your feedback.

If you found this video helpful, please share it with your friends and colleagues by pressing the 'Like' button below. I really appreciate it!


Till next time, have an awesome day!


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