mindsetsalesDoes the thought of having to make a sale bring up a myriad of unpleasant emotions?

Maybe you’ve had a bad experience with a salesperson and don’t want to come across as being pushy and obnoxious. Or you fear the thought of rejection, should your prospect say no to your offer?

Whatever your reason, it’s important to recognise that this will affect your money mindset and your ability to make a sale. And, if you can’t make a sale you’ll have limited funds, making it almost impossible to build a successful business.

So what’s keeping you stuck?

Five reasons you’re struggling to make a sale

Here are five of the most common things that I’ve found that keep many of my clients stuck and unable to make a sale. Recognise any?

1. You’re not valuing your skills and strengths

The first person you need to make the sale to is – you.

If YOU don’t believe in your skills and strengths and the value that you offer – it’ll be difficult for you to make a sale with a prospect.


Because you won’t possess that level of self-assurance that will enable you to speak as an authority in your field, nor will you convey certainty and confidence as you speak about the benefits and results they can expect to achieve through working with you.

Would you invest in someone who didn’t seem confident in what they were selling?

  • Write a list of the successes that other clients have achieved through working with you.
  • How are you able to help your prospects overcome the issues and problems they face with the solutions you offer?
  • What benefits and outcomes can they expect through investing with you?

2. You’re not clear when talking about your packages

Do you have a clearly-defined list of packages and prices that you can refer to when speaking to a prospect? Or do you tend to rattle off a summary of what you can do and hope that the prospect is able to make their decision based on the limited information you can provide?

Unfortunately, if you can’t provide further information about your packages and programs in a clear and concise manner, your prospect may end up being confused. And a confused prospect will often say ‘no’.

  • Create a list that includes a brief outline of your packages (and what’s involved).
  • Put your prices alongside each of the packages.
  • Include additional bonuses and fast-action bonuses being offered.

Make sure this list is close by so that you can read from it as you inform your prospect of your offerings.

3. You’re prequalifying your prospect

Are you presuming what your prospect can afford to pay (or not pay) before even getting to the sales conversation?

Guess what? You’ve probably just lowered your prices or quoted a fee that significantly undervalues your products and services.

Sound familiar?

Don’t presume anything and for goodness sake – DON’T offer a discount as the only way to make the sale.

Before having the sales conversation make sure you have your list of benefits and results in front of you and remind them of what they can expect to achieve throughout your conversation.

And, make sure you have your list of packages and pricing in front of you as well so that once you get to this part of the conversation you can stand in your power and read through your list of packages while making sure you hold firm on your pricing.

4. You’re not asking for the sale

Are you encouraging your prospect with a call to action by asking for the sale?

Or, do you leave it in the hands of your prospect by saying: “Have a think about it and get back to me when you’re ready to move forward.”

Problem is though –they probably won’t.

I recently came across Peggy Carlaw’s article where she said: “Asking for the sale represents a pivotal moment in the relationship between buyer and seller.”

Peggy believes that by not asking for the sale, you are leaving the impression that:

  • You lack confidence in the value of your product.
  • You lack the knowledge of how and when to ask for the sale.
  • You give the impression that you don’t really care whether or not they buy.

Do you want to give that impression to your prospect? I certainly hope not.

Ask for sale by saying: “So which option would you like to move forward with today?” Or, “So how soon would you like to get started? Next week?”

As Peggy states so eloquently in her article: “…selling is a process of matching the needs of your customer with the benefits of your product. That process isn’t finished until after you ask for the sale.”

5. You’re not keeping in touch

Has a prospect just said no to your offer? No problem. They may not be ready (yet) to move forward. It’s important that you be there when they are.

That’s why you should have a keep-in-touch system in place.

Sales and marketing gurus will tell you that it can take between 8 and 12 touches (communications) before a prospect decides to invest in your products/services.

However, in a shifting and uncertain economy – it can take double the amount of touches before a prospect will make their decision to invest in you.

So how are you keeping in touch with your prospects?

A few years ago in my Career Management Consultancy I was contacted by a prospect who wanted to hire me for my personal branding and résumé development services. He had been on my mailing list for over 18 months and had been receiving my fortnightly newsletter. When signing up to my newsletter, he was not yet ready to make a decision about his purchase (or whether he would invest in my company). However, because I kept in regular contact with him through my newsletter and shared interesting, relevant information with him – he could see that I was an authority in my field.

And, when he was ready – he knew exactly who to contact to help him achieve his career goals.

Are you keeping in regular contact with prospects who may not be ready to make a decision so that you are the first person they think of when they ARE ready to move forward?

It certainly makes the entire sales process and making that sale a whole lot simpler – that’s for sure!

Get your keep-in-touch system in place if you don’t have one already. Whether it’s a regular newsletter; sharing articles of interest; or interesting tips via your social media platforms.

Stop struggling to make a sale by celebrating each conversation you have with a prospect

In closing I think it’s important to celebrate each and every sales conversation you have with a prospect. Why? Because it means that you have sparked the interest of yet another person who you can support as they continue to reach their dreams and goals.

Till next time, stay inspired!


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