LinkedIn – the untapped social media marketing (networking) tool

Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube.linkedin

Theyโ€™re all tools youโ€™re probably quite familiar with and using in your business communications and social media marketing efforts.

But, what about LinkedIn?

Are you leveraging LinkedIn as well?

If youโ€™re anything like many of the business owners I speak to โ€“ your answer is โ€˜probably notโ€™.

At least not to the extent youโ€™re using other social media technologies.

If that sounds like you โ€“ then you MUST keep reading.


Because your leaving money on the table. And lots of it!

While LinkedIn is less โ€˜socialโ€™ and doesnโ€™t have all of the bells and whistles as some of the other social media platforms – donโ€™t let that turn you off.

If your target market is B2B or B2C, or youโ€™re looking out for potential JV or alliance partners, then youโ€™ll want to make sure you have an optimised LinkedIn profile and are using the networking tools and resources LinkedIn offers.

Still not convinced?

Here are some interesting (and compelling) facts and stats about LinkedIn to further confirm that LinkedIn should play an important role in your networking and business building efforts:

  • 45% of people on LinkedIn are considered key decision makers (in comparison to Facebook and Twitter with only 24-29%)
  • LinkedIn has the highest average household income of $109,000 per person, topping all other social media sites
  • People on LinkedIn are far more focused on business and networking than in comparison to other social media sites
  • 3 out of 4 people use LinkedIn for everything business, from keeping up on trends to reading business news
  • 64% agree that LinkedIn helps develop relationships and grow new business
  • People are two times more confident in the information found on LinkedIn than any other social media site
  • A new member joins LinkedIn every second โ€“ half of these people are outside of the United States



Impressive, yes?!

Another study recently completed by WebMarketing 123 confirmed that:

  • 44.6% of business generated B2B leads through LinkedIn
  • 12% of businesses generated B2C leads through LinkedIn

What would it mean to you and your business if you could capture a portion of the 56.6% of new business leads being generated on LinkedIn?

Before you hastily set up your LinkedIn profile, there are a few of key areas youโ€™ll need to spend some time on to make sure your profile stands out from the crowd.

Here they are:

LinkedIn Tip 1: Build a Strong and Enticing Headline

With over 135 million people on LinkedIn (and growing daily) means that you want to make sure your Headline is informative and outcome focused.

You only have 120 characters in which to showcase your expertise and compel someone to reach out and connect with you.

Many people tend to put their job title as their headline.


Would the job title โ€˜Business Coachโ€™ or โ€˜Personal Branding Strategistโ€™ compel you to connect with me?

Of course it wouldnโ€™t.

But what if I wrote this?


Makes a difference doesnโ€™t it?

I know that my target marketโ€™s desire is to get noticed, hired and paid what theyโ€™re worth so this headline will instantly catch their attention.

Here are some things to think about as you craft your headline:

  • What makes you unique? Can you incorporate wording from your Signature Brand and Brand Message into your headline phrase?
  • What do you help your clients achieve?
  • What keywords can you include so that you show up when people are searching for someone with a specialty in your field so that youโ€™ll rank high in the search results?


LinkedIn Tip 2:ย Use a Professional Photo

While this may seem blatantly obvious, I am constantly surprised (no, horrified) at the images people use as their profile photo.

Unlike Facebook, Twitter or YouTube, LinkedIn has a firm policy that requires your photo to be a professional headshot of yourself.

Not a picture of you and your beloved pet (or spouse); you relaxing at your favourite holiday destination; or your logo.

Your LinkedIn profile is part of your brand communications and therefore must be as professional as possible. Invest in a professional photographer who specialises in corporate shots.

When I had my professional portraits taken, the package included a session with a professional makeup artist before the shoot. She applied foundation used specifically for professional stills and videos as standard foundation just wouldnโ€™t have done the picture justice.

My advice would be to find a professional photographer who also works with a professional makeup artist to help you prepare.ย  Pamper yourself.

Youโ€™ll be glad you did when you see your final images, looking like a million dollars!

After all, a picture says a thousands words. What do you want your picture to say about you?


LinkedIn Tip 3: Build a Powerful Professional Profile

Youโ€™ve sparked someoneโ€™s interest with a strong headline, now you want to follow that up with a powerful professional profile.

Here are some tips to help you:

  1. Make sure you use a tone and style of writing that suits your personality. Speak as if you were meeting the person for the very first time and they had just asked you to share a little more about yourself.
  2. Write in first person – not third person. When reading profiles written in third person, to me it comes across as being cold and unapproachable. You donโ€™t want to sound unfriendly. Instead, you want people to feel as if they are connecting with you and getting to know you better. After all, people do business with people they know, like and trust.
  3. Incorporate relevant keywords so that your profile will be amongst the results shown when people are performing a search for experts and potential connections.


I performed a search for Personal Branding Strategist in Australia and was number 1 out of 112 people.



Thatโ€™s because I sprinkled the keyword Personal Branding Strategist throughout my professional profile.

And, in a global search, I came 5th out of 4,217 people. With a little tweaking I could increase that, however Iโ€™m happy with the result and know that people would read more about me when searching globally for a Personal Branding Strategist as my details are above the fold.

Building a powerful online presence is very important, especially if you want to build your reputation as an authority so that you can dominate your niche online.

Follow the above strategies and youโ€™ll be well on your way to building a professional profile on LinkedIn, ready and waiting for potential customers and JV partners to find and connect with you.


Was this helpful?ย  If you already have an existing profile on LinkedIn, what changes are you going to make sure your profile stands out? Let me know in the comment box below. Itโ€™s always great to hear from you.

By the way, hereโ€™s my LinkedIn profile. Letโ€™s connect! And, if you’re struggling to create a powerful LinkedIn profile as well as leveraging the tools that LinkedIn offers and would like some support and coaching on this – let me know. It’s something we specialise in!

Till next time, stay inspired.



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