1speakersmlOne of the fundamental pillars of my personal brand is ‘inspiration’. It’s important for me that I inspire and motivate women in business so they can recognise and feel confident about their talents and can therefore build successful, lucrative businesses. Everything I do and say, everything I post and share on my online and offline social networks continues to portray this message of inspiration.

One of the ways I do that is by sharing inspiring quotations that I have written and that other (more famous) authors have written. If I read something that I have found inspiring – I like to pay it forward and share this with my network in the hope that they’ll find it as inspiring as I did.

One of my social media contacts commented that he totally disagreed with the principle of ‘sharing anything other than what was original’ and that ‘retweeting quotes that were not original was lazy twittering.’ Certainly an interesting way to look at things AND quite dissimilar to my core beliefs and values.

The world of social media has enabled us to connect with people from all over the world (which I think is fantastic) – some of whom will challenge us to stand firm for what we believe in.

I was reminded of this during the week when I found myself confronted with this comment. I had to stand up for what I felt was authentic to me and knew (in my heart and soul) was what I believed.

When you are clear about your brand, your values and what is fundamentally important to you, you’ll stand up for this, no matter what. 

What about you? Are you totally clear about what is fundamentally important to you, your brand and what you stand for? Are you standing up for what you believe in? I know I am!

What do you think? Was this helpful for you? I love to hear from you so please leave me a comment or your feedback below. Also, please share this with your Facebook and your Twitter friends by clicking the buttons below. I really appreciate it.

Have an inspired week!


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