Does the thought of speaking in public make you want to throw up? If you answered ‘Yes’ you’re not alone. The fear of speaking in public (referred to as ‘Glossophobia’) outweighs people’s fear of death. In fact, the fear of speaking in public is THE greatest fear...
Speaking is one of the best ways I know to help you grow your business – fast! Imagine this… A few week’s ago you delivered your Signature Talk to 50 of your ideal clients. Ninety percent of the audience are now on your list (i.e. subscribers) and part of your...
Ever found yourself listening to a speaker who droned on and on – wishing they would hurry up and finish their Signature Talk? I have. Recently, in fact. The presenter’s information wasn’t structured and flitted all over the place. What she spoke about sounded more...
Imagine this… You’ve spent hours preparing your talk and there you are on stage in front of hundreds of people – sharing your message. But… something unexpected and horrifying is happening. Instead of smiling faces of appreciation, your audience is frowning. Several...
Are you speaking to grow your business? Speaking is a great way to boost your visibility and profile to MANY of your ideal clients as it follows the one-to-many model. However, ONLY if you have a clear strategy and the RIGHT steps in place. Unfortunately, many...