Running a business, whether you are a solopreneur operating from a home-based office or a medium-sized business that employs staff, requires a high level of motivation, passion and drive.

If being your own boss is something you've dreamed about for a while, before you hand in your notice at work, listen to this podcast to find out whether entrepreneurship and running your own business is the right choice for you.

So, what do you think? Is the temptation to be your own boss, still strong? Do you have the drive, passion and relentless drive it takes to startup, build and manage a business? Would love to hear your thoughts in the comment box below.

Also, if you've found this information helpful, please share this with your friends and colleagues by pressing the 'Like' button below. I really appreciate it!


Here's to entrepreneurship!


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San Diego, CA 92465

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(815) 555-5555

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