Have you set a personal/business theme for 2014 yet?
A personal/business theme is one or two words (or even a short phrase) that is going to pull you forward in your business.
Your theme keeps you on track, accountable and moving forward.
This year mine is: “Faith: Your Will Be Done”
Something that I know will allow me to grow my business with grace and ease, BECAUSE of trusting in a higher power (G0d) – rather than relying ONLY on myself.
Relying only on myself can be scary – especially in situations where I’m not clear, or I’m at a crossroads ready to take the next leap. However fear, doubt and a mix of other emotions come flooding my way.
My theme reminds me that I don’t need to have all the answers and that all will be well when I’m guided by my higher power.
Fear and doubt will just melt away.
What about you?
What’s your theme for this year?
- What will help keep you focused and on track?
- What will pull you forward during challenging situations that normally would have you take yourself out?
- What intention do you want to set for yourself this year?
Let that be what your theme inspires in you this year, so you can make 2014 your best year yet!
Go ahead and share your theme for this year in the comments, below.