What is your Professional Image telling people?

According to Personal & Corporate Image Consultant, Cosimina Nesci, a person is judged by the way they dress and assumptions are made about that person based on their personal image. It’s happening all time – whether we choose to believe it or not.professional image

On today’s show, Cosimina will show you how you can make a great lasting first impression – every time!

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Our Guest Expert:

Cosimina Nesci in a results-based image specialist whose passion is personal and professional development. Cosimina works together with employees to develop a successful image that is cohesive with the brand of the business and their personality.

She has co-authored two books on professional development and contributed to a book on looking fabulous at any age.professional image

Contact Cosimina:

Show Highlights:

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “First Impressions Count.” So, what first impression are you making with people when they first meet you?

Cosimina shares some very important tips and strategies on how you can make a ‘good’ first impression, including:

  • The 3 key elements of a professional image
  • Why you need to develop these 3 key elements equally and congruently to be successful
  • What your extended image is and how your extended image speaks even before you do
  • Why your extended image is just as important as appearance and communication
  • And more…


Are you incorporating all 3 of the key elements Cosimina spoke about to ensure you create a professional image? What about your extended image – is this something that you’ve thought about? Let me know in the comment box below. It’s always so nice to hear from you!!

By the way, do have a topic you’d like me to cover in an upcoming show? Wonderful! Connect with me on our new Facebook community and let me know!

Or are you an expert with wisdom to share with other ambitious entrepreneurs? Go on – don’t be shy. It’ll just be like we’re having a chat over a virtual coffee – promise!! Just reach out to my Guest Liaison Manager and she’ll be able to send you some more information!

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