As we are nearing the launch of the Smashing The Glass Ceiling Telesummit, I’ve asked my community to share one tip that has been crucial to each of them being able to build a 400x400_Joinsuccessful business.

Before I share these tips – a quick reminder about the live Telesummit Kickstart event. [Note: The Kickstart has already been! You can watch the video below for further great insights and aha’s from our business experts. We had a blast!).

Our business experts and I answered the question:

“Knowing what you know now in your business, what’s one thing you’d do differently, or implement sooner to smash through your glass ceiling – much faster?”

Now, back to the tips.

Through my own experience (and what I’ve seen time and again with other entrepreneurs) there are three common issues I’ve recognised that will often keep people stuck and unable to take their business to the next level.

Here they are – do you recognise any?

1. Trying to do everything yourself

When you’re starting out in business, while it makes sense to do as much as you can (as you don’t yet have the income to hire staff) – NOT investing in team as soon as possible can keep you stuck.

For years, one of my clients struggled to do her bookkeeping herself– something she loathed. Not long after she had started to work with me, she saw that not only did it take her hours to complete, she would also start feeling annoyed as the next financial quarter was approaching – knowing she’d have to once again tackle her finances. Finally, she hired a bookkeeper, with the task taking her new staff member less than half the time it was taking her to complete and she was able to work on activities she enjoyed AND got her out in front of prospective clients.

Whether you realise it or not, it costs you way more in time and energy by NOT hiring someone, especially if you’re working on an activity that you don’t enjoy or are not particularly skilled at. And, you’re wasting valuable time that could be better spent on another activity that you enjoy and requires your expertise.

Years ago I made the decision to hire a cleaner who cleans my home once a week. I was one of those weird people that actually enjoyed cleaning my home, however I realised that the hours I was spending with my head in the toilet bowl (just kidding) could be better spent on marketing my business or getting out there and speaking to prospective customers.

As my (then) fledging business continued to grow, so did my team , as I realised that the only way that my business would continue to grow, was to have a solid support team behind me.

As my business expanded, so did my team – now consisting of my Business Manager, Administration Support Person, Social Media Administrator, Graphic Designer, Web Designer/Programmer and audio production team for my podcast network.

Action Step: STOP trying to do everything yourself. Make a commitment to start hiring team BEFORE you get to the stage where you’re exhausted. When you hire the right people for the right job, they can support you in taking your business to the next level too.

2. Not asking for help

“Needing help doesn’t make you weak, in fact quite the opposite. It makes you strong, smart, resourceful, and realistic. Being prideful is a weakness. Asking for help when you know you’re in over your head is STRENGTH. Don’t ever forget that!” — Anon

I LOVE this quote and couldn’t have said this better!

How about you?

Are you stuck but afraid that you’ll look weak if you ask for help?

You’re certainly not alone as many of us continue to struggle with our issues and problems rather than reach out and ask for help.

Do you hesitate to reach out to ask for help because you think you’ll look weak or foolish?

Remember, everyone had to start from somewhere – even the people who seem to have everything under control. They too had to go through a learning curve and were probably unsure about what they were doing too when they first started.

The difference is they asked for help.

Action Step: Reach out and ask for help from someone who has gone before you and can give you the support, knowledge, tips and strategies you need to move forward.

“Keep in mind that part of growing up is dealing with difficult issues, and the benefits can be great if you have the courage to ask for help. Human beings are not designed to go through life alone. No one has to bear the burden of tough times all by themselves.” – Jack Canfield

3. Not investing in yourself

The biggest leaps and bounds I have made in my business was when I hired a mentor/business coach.

Did I have the money to invest in a high-end coach? Absolutely not!

Did I let the fact that I didn’t have the funds stop me from saying: ‘Yes” to myself and investing in my professional development? No!

Was it scary? YES!

However I knew that my mentor/coach would see the incredible value and strengths (that I couldn’t see in myself), help me put in place the correct foundations, processes and strategies, while help me focused on what I needed to work on to drive my business forward.

Having the right foundations and systems in place, as well as an accountability partner made a huge difference for me, and it will for you too – if you allow it.

Action Step: If you’re not investing in yourself and your business because you don’t believe you can afford it, or you’re not ready yet, read my article: 3 Excuses That’ll Keep Your Business Stuck and Stagnant for some additional insights. Make a commitment to hire a coach/mentor so you can smash through to your next level of greatness! (Let’s Talk! 🙂 )

 Here’s what some of the amazing entrepreneurs in my community had to say:

 @SusannahBirch – The less steps the better. Make it simple, easy and straightforward. Confused customers don’t stay!

 @GretchenDuhaime – Delegate! If it doesn’t fill your soul or your bank account, find a way to get it OFF your plate!

 @BethBridges Spend as much time as possible with and around people who have already smashed through themselves!

@CoachSharlotte – I would find a mentor and hire a business coach. There is nothing like having the support and guidance of someone who has been where you are and can help you avoid the same mistakes they made.

@andreeaayers – Knowing what I know now, one thing I would have done differently is to hire a virtual assistant sooner – I waited until the last possible minute and then spent so much time training my new assistant, that it really held back my business. Had I hired her when things were a bit slower, I would have had more time to teach her my systems and things would have been a lot smoother.

@brandcoachkelly – I would have held my first event, done my first teleseminar, worked with my first client, any “firsts”, but instead I waited because I didn’t think I had a big enough list. I talked myself out of a many opportunities to just “get started”!

@ileanakane – First I would listen to my intuition even if it goes against the grain. So I would create a ‘guilty pleasure’ business. Then I would create a Money Making Biz Model (TM); next I would tap into wealthy markets. Next would be to assume my leadership mantle get in the media, and ignite my spark that inspires all. Voila 6-figures in 60 days (less than 25 hours a week).

@shoutconsulting – Start with a business coach from day one

@teresabeeman – Ignore the naysayers and slay the time vampires!

@afambuswmn – Pace myself and not try to build my business within a week.

@almasdays  – I’m still working on not getting in my own way

@lauriejjames – Invest in state-of-the-art computer and printer.

@TreelineDesignp Get rid of poorly performing staff quickly. They don’t get any better!

Do you have a tip you’d like to share? Go ahead and share it below. And, remember to put across and grab your seat to the Smashing The Glass Ceiling Telesummit too!

Here’s the recordings of our Smashing The Glass Ceiling Telesummit Kickstart Event – Enjoy!!

Call Two:


Call One:

See you there!


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