Are these 3 common money mindset beliefs keeping you stuck in your business? Over the last four weeks I’ve been participating in a 12-week health and wellness transformation program and last night I attended a live chat forum with the program host and hundreds of...
“Under-promise yet over-deliver.” I’m sure that’s a term you’re familiar with and something you strive to provide each of your clients. But what happens when you get a client that constantly oversteps their boundaries by: demanding way too much of...
[audio:] Hi, everyone! This is Annemarie Cross, Branding, Money Breakthroughs and Business Coach, helping solopreneurs get noticed, hired and paid what they’re worth. Today, I spent an...
Do you constantly struggle to get more clients? Have you hit that income barrier and just can’t seem to break through? Does money seem to slip through your fingers as soon as you make it? Do you find it hard to ‘charge what you’re worth?’ Is offering...
Each and every one of us has a money cruise control that will affect the amount of income we generate in our business. What’s a money cruise control? It’s the certain amount of money that you’re comfortable making. And, just like a car’s cruise control is set to a...