[Episode #50] 3 barriers to defining your personal value and self-worth [Podcast]

[Episode #50] 3 barriers to defining your personal value and self-worth [Podcast]

Struggling to define your unique brilliance and distinguishable qualities so you can confidently answer the question: “Why should I hire you?” On today’s podcast I discuss 3 barriers that can stop you from defining your personal value and self-worth....
Episode 47: Lost the sale? 3 things you DON’T want to do [Podcast]

Episode 47: Lost the sale? 3 things you DON’T want to do [Podcast]

Just had a conversation with a prospective client and they’ve said ‘No’ to your services? Before you feel tempted to do either of these 3 things (which is typically what coaches will do) – don’t. On today’s show I share what these 3 things are so that you can ensure...
Episode 45: Grow your coaching practice by replacing the time-for-money business model [Podcast]

Episode 45: Grow your coaching practice by replacing the time-for-money business model [Podcast]

Are you still charging by the hour and following a time-for-money business model? On today’s show I share why this model will stunt your business’s growth, and what you should be doing instead. The business model I’ll share with you today will allow you to work with...


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